Susan's Story
Susan recently surprised Kathy at her COBT therapy session. She announced she had something special to share and then proceeded to take a few steps on her own!!!
The COBT team has worked with Susan for 2 years providing nutrition support, rehab and speech therapy, a standing frame and eventually a walking frame.
Susan in 10 years old now and she began attending the Mtandire Outreach Clinic when she was 8 years old. At that time like so many of the kids that seek help from COBT Susan was very malnourished and weak. She was only able to sit by herself but she could not stand or walk.
Susan’s Mom walked long distances several times a week to ensure that Susan received the help she needed. The Nutrition program that included chiponde peanut butter paste and maize soya porridge helped her gain the energy needed to learn how to walk and how to communicate effectively.
Now she is walking a few steps unaided and with practice she will soon be walking longer distances. Way to go Susan!
Thrive Malawi is proud to support kids like Susan by funding therapy and nutrition services provided by COBT in Lilongwe Malawi.