Thrive Malawi is Proud to Support COBT's Integrated Preschool

Tracy loves puzzles!

 75 children with disabilities and 5 able-bodied children attend the Integrated Preschool run by Children of Blessing Trust.  The children are divided into 3 groups according to their age and abilities.  Each group has a Preschool Teacher.  Most days there are 15 to 20 children in each group.  At school the children have the opportunity to learn their alphabet, colours, shapes and numbers.  They are also fed a nutritious meal everyday.  


Tracy rides on a bicycle taxi for an hour 3 mornings a week to attend our preschool from her rural village outside of Lilongwe.  She enjoys learning how to do puzzles.  During outside play-time she practices walking with her walking frame.


Lucy comes to school in a minibus from her rural village on the other side of Lilongwe.  She is able to come once or twice a week to Lucy hopes to start school soon!school because the minibus is expensive.  She also comes to our Epilepsy Clinic once a month to get her medication.  With the medication she is no longer having seizures.  Twice a week she also attends the Outreach Clinic near to her home.  Hopefully Lucy will be ready to start school in September. 


Loving Preschool!


John comes to school with his little brother.  John has learned how to use his left hand to help him build cars and buildings with the construction blocks during free play.  During outside play-time he loves to ride around on the tricycle.  John is also hoping to start Primary School  in September.


We are Celebrating!


Kathy Bowler's May/June Report from Lilongwe Malawi!