Thrive Malawi Makes First Disbursement of $630!

On August 28th, 2012 Thrive Malawi forwarded $630 to Children of Blessing Trust in Lilongwe Malawi!  

This dispersement relates specifically to the funds designated by our donors in response to the appeal issued this summer by Children of Blessing Trust. We are pleased to advise the $630 will be used for the following priorities: 

A bicycle for a family traveling long distances (over 3 hours walking each way) so that a child can receive needed therapy.

Burner Hot Plates for three Outreach Clinics so food can be prepared for the children and families attending therapy. 

A contribution to the Daily Feeding Program that provides each child attending therapy with a meal of either porridge or a local staple along with tea and a biscuit. This money will fund the program for one month by paying for sugar, salt, drinks, tea, powdered milk, biscuits, maize flour, soya pieces, kapenta (dried fish), cooking oil, beans, and spices. 

The purchase of fortified peanut butter paste for the Nutrition Feeding program that helps malnourished children increase their weight.  This money will fund the program for 10 days.

Stay tuned for news of our next dispersement scheduled for October.  Kathy Bowler is back in Malawi and over the next month she will be determining her priority needs and providing Thrive Malawi with a further request for funds.
Help us increase our October dispersement by donating at!

Funding Appeal Nears 50% of target - $4850 raised!


Gordon Mote in Concert Supporting Thrive Malawi!