What a Difference a Bicycle Makes!

The child who received this bicycle from Thrive Malawi is from Nambuma Village which is very far from our centre.  His mother is very faithful to bring him to therapy as often as we could afford to pay for the bicycle taxi.  He is malnourished and on the nutrition programme, receiving both porridge and chiponde.  She received the bicycle at 200 in the afternoon and was worried that they would not get home before dark!  Receiving the bicycle means that she will be able to bring her son for therapy as often as she can even hopefully three times a week.  It will also allow her to take him to the hospital anytime he is sick.  Transportation is something we take for granted but for many of our clients it can mean the difference between life and death!
Thanks so much for your support!


Thrive Malawi Makes 2nd Disbursement of $3500!


July - August Update from Children of Blessing Trust