COBT’s outreach clinics bring therapy to where the kids live…what a wonderful concept!!!

Since 2010 COBT has opened six Outreach Clinics in addition to their main site in Lilongwe.  As a result it is easier for families to bring their children for much needed therapy!  Our Thrive Malawi team is raising funds to pay for the salaries of the rehabilitation technicians. 

Eric, Amanda and Emily are 3 of 70 children benefitting from regular therapy at the Mtandire Outreach Clinic!  Groups of 6 to 8 children learn to sit, roll, crawl, stand, walk and use their hands…often using toys to make the sessions fun.  

Eric learning through play!


Eric’s life improved dramatically when he visited the Mtandire Outreach Clinic.  He was malnourished and lacking energy until he participated in COBT’s Nutrition Program.  The Nutrition Technician provided Eric with chiponde, a fortified peanut butter paste, as well as maize soya porridge to eat at home.  His Mom is thrilled that thanks to proper nutrition and regular therapy Eric can now sit on his own.  He is learning to use his hands, to kneel and to stand!  


Imagine the challenges faced by a child with Hydrocephalus.  This condition caused Amanda’s head to grow disproportionally leading to brain damage and cerebral palsy.  Amanda’s head is very heavy and it is hard for her to use her arms and legs. Luckily Amanda’s parents sought help from COBT’s Mtandire Outreach Clinic!  Amanda with a big smile!Through therapy Amanda has learned to stand and now she is learning how to walk with a walking frame!!!  Amanda has progressed to a level where she attends COBT’s Integrated Preschool in Lilongwe.  


Emily at the Mtandire Outreach Clinic


Emily’s family is so committed to COBT’s programs that her Mom walks 6-8 hours a week to bring Emily to the Mtandire Outreach Clinic or to the Lilongwe main site.  Three times a week Emily benefits from therapy that is helping her learn to walk with a walking frame!  Once a week she attends the Integrated Preschool in Lilongwe where she also has Speech Therapy.


COBT’s mission is to help children like Eric, Amanda and Emily create their own path to a brighter future!  

Donations to Thrive Malawi help ensure COBT continues to provide the valuable services that make such a difference for so many kids and their families.



Kathy Bowler's July/August Update!


Rebecca is transforming her life with the help of COBT and her Mom!