Rebecca is transforming her life with the help of COBT and her Mom!
Rebecca started attending therapy at our partner COBT’s Children’s Rehabilitation program when she was just a baby. Her mother has faithfully brought Rebecca for therapy two or three times a week.
Initially she was in Level One. This is the group for children who are learning how to roll and sit by themselves. Once she started sitting by herself she graduated to the Level Two group. Here the children work on kneeling, crawling, standing and walking. Rebecca had to use a walking frame to get the support she needed to walk by herself.
Now she has learned how to walk without the frame!
Rebecca is now 3 years old and she attends COBT’s Integrated Preschool!
Kathy and her team have been thrilled to help Rebecca gain so many skills in such a short period of time. They are looking forward to helping Rebecca achieve her next goal, starting school! Rebecca’s Mom is absolutely delighted with her daughter’s physical progress and she is excited to see the many things Rebecca is doing in Preschool.
Helping children with disabilities is COBT’s mission and they are helping children like Rebecca every day!